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The Chihuahua Conundrum

If you’ve ever had, or have, a chihuahua you know they can be very demanding. Almost unbearably so. Prior to welcoming my chihuahua into my family, I had aussie’s. Anyone who is familiar with that breed also knows them referred to as “bossie aussie’s.” I thought, “Whew there could be nothing bossier!” I was wrong. Very, very wrong. The chihuahua is quite possibly the most bossiest to walk the planet. However, if you don’t have one, you should proceed immediately to your nearest animal rescue or shelter and adopt one, because they are the most amazing little balls of love you could ever have. Now, if you can get past the ankle biting (yes it’s a real thing), the constant demand for attention, the incessant “feed me” barking, and the blanket burrowing you are good to go. Just a fair warning, there may be a little lip smacking involved, most likely right next to your head in the middle of the night. Another thing to be aware of is they will most often lose most of their teeth at some point, but the plus side of this is it reduces the affect of the ankle biting.

Nearly ten years ago, I was living in New Jersey, and I remember getting my groceries from my car one day, when I looked down and to my sheer terror there was a teeth bearing, barking chihuahua at my feet. I immediately froze, not moving a single leg muscle, for fear of my four pound attacker. Thankfully, the owners of this ferocious beast came quickly to my aid, but I recall thinking “Who would own one of these weird little dogs?” So, not to long after that, I ran out and got myself an Australian Shepherd, a big fluffy dog which solidified my position as a large dog person. This decision coincidently thrust me into a lifestyle of service to my dog. Then, fast forward ten years, and I thought I would add a chihuahua to the mix. I am now powerless in my own home. I welcome everyone to experience this sense of powerlessness with me as it has quite possibly been the most enjoyable year of my life. We go clothes shopping together, she fits in my purse, accompanies me to the grocery store, has her own social media page, helps me attract followers on Instagram, and we dance together on YouTube. She is an extension of my persona. Does she help me attract men? Well no, I have to use the big dogs for that, but we all have our purpose. Her purpose was to make me happy again. Mission accomplished.

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